When should I team wall with my allies?


When is it worth team walling in team games as opposed to individually walling, you might ask. A few things to keep in mind:


  • Are you and your allies geograhically close on the map?


  • Is there good communication within your team?


  • Do you trust your allies to inform you if an opponent’s army is coming your way through their base?

If you can answer yes to the three of these, you’re probably set to team wall.

When team walling, look for woodlines which may be delegated to each ally, preferably equivalent to each other. The procedure for these walls can be the same as with normal walling in that it may include buldings that you require or just palisades as you can place a house foundation behind the wall under attack.

Team walling can be a faster and simpler way of ensuring that your base is safe, when you can trust your allies. Team walling provides the assurance that a team mate can easily send military to your base to assist without being blocked by walls or pathing through a gate. On the otherhand, however, it may mean that an enemy can attack an allies wall and pass through their base to attack you.

Teamwalling is applicable for a number of maps currently on the ranked ladder. Teamwalling on Lombardia is a must due to the fact that allies start right next to each other. On Arabia, it really depends on how feasible teamwalling is geographically. The same could be said for Scandinavia.

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